The Wotton Car Boot Sale Supporting the Wotton Community Sports FoundationRegistered Charity No 1121349 CLOSED at the momentBut starting again at Easter - Sunday 20 April 2025 DATES and TIMES We are open EVERY Sunday and Bank Holiday Monday from April until October (weather permitting)Sellers welcome from 1:00Buyers welcome from 1:30 If the weather is dodgy, check our Facebook page on the day of the sale to see the latest information on any possible cancellation. PRICESAll seller vehicles just £5Buyers only 50p per person (children free)Very sorry, but our landlords do not permit dogs in the PARC. Please leave your furry friends at home. FIND USWotton Community PARCNew Road (B4058)Wotton-under-EdgeGloucestershire – GL12 8JWJust a quarter of a mile out of Wotton and 10 minutes from the M5 J14 on the main road (B4058) towards Bristol.Call 07982 443323 COVID-19Although the pandemic has passed, please respect your fellow car booters.Sellers are requested to arrive by 1:15 pm – earliest entry is 12:30 No buyers before 1:30 pm for safety reasons